Shows & events

The Million Years Stone Park & Pattaya Crocodile Farm

The Million Years Stone Park & Pattaya Crocodile Farm

The Million Years Stone Park and Crocodile Farm have been designed to attract travelers with bonsai- type trees, fossilized trees, various flowers, monuments, water, and so on. The crocodile show is performed several times a day in order to respond to the need of guests coming to the farm at different times. Although its name indicates only crocodile farm, there's also other creatures present inside the ranch. Along the pavement, guests can see the amazing form of giant stones, plenitude of flowers, and dwarf trees. Witness thrilling crocodile shows, where professed instructors interact with these fascinating brutes. For an indelible Thai vacation adventure, consider including the Million Years Stone Park and Pattaya Crocodile Farm in your Thailand vacation package. Immerse yourself in the beauty of the natural world and the excitement of crocodile hassles, making your trip to Thailand a perfect mix of culture, nature, and thrilling adventures.

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